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OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Totaling 66,600-square-foot, 这座三层楼的新大楼可容纳15人,500平方英尺的实验室空间, plus 2,900平方英尺的协作空间. (罗彻斯特大学激光能量学实验室摄/ Jacob Deats)

The first major addition to LLE in more than two decades includes clean room facilities to advance next-generation laser science and technologies.

The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 激光能量学实验室 (LLE)已经完成了耗资4600万美元的建筑扩建工程 began in August 2022. 扩建的开放标志着国家澳门威尼斯人网上赌场设施的一个重要里程碑, 最后一次扩建是在2003年,以容纳OMEGA EP激光器.

Totaling 66,600-square-foot, 新的三层建筑, 拥有LEED银级认证的, houses 15,500平方英尺的实验室空间,可容纳132名LLE员工和学生, plus 2,900平方英尺的协作空间,可额外容纳117人.

LEED-ING THE WAY: 1966年激光能量学新实验室内部,000平方英尺的扩张, which obtained LEED Silver certification for sustainable design from the US Green Building Council. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. Adam Fenster)

新的空间将使AMICA激光系统的建设成为可能, NSF OPAL激光器的原型, 创造下一代目标, diagnostics, 以及国家安全方面的努力. Low-vibration class-1000 clean room space will enable LLE to achieve theoretical resolution on microfabrication and high-resolution instrumentation. 该建筑还拥有同类光学镀膜设备中最大的, 这有助于确保美国国内的供应链支持世界上最大的激光器的工作.

“LLE’s history underscores the vital role that our country’s leading research institutions play in the development of new technology and the impact our work can have on the nation’s economic growth,” University President Sarah Mangelsdorf said during the building ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 31. 他说:“我们今天投入使用的这个设施,花了两年时间才建成, longer than that in planning—is a really important project that will help us advance the work of LLE on all of these fronts,” she added.


该项目的建设是由澳门威尼斯人网上赌场规划管理, Design, and Construction in partnership with architect CannonDesign; site and civil engineers Passero Associates; construction manager LeChase Construction; and commissioning agent M/E Engineering.

KEEP IT CLEAN: The low-vibration class-1000 clean room space at the 激光能量学实验室 building expansion. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. Adam Fenster)

这项工作需要224,000个现场施工小时,工作人员的高峰人数为91人. 8个工会参与, 另外还有30家公司——都位于纽约州——提供商品和服务.

增建部分由大学全额出资, which increased its original funding amount to add features and capabilities to enhance the unique research, education, LLE使劳动力和经济发展成为可能.

“LLE处于核聚变澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和教育的前沿, 在极端条件下的物质中,通常只存在于行星和恒星的中心, 在实验室天体物理学中,” says Chris Deeney, the director of LLE. 剪彩时, he added, “This exciting present and inspirational future for LLE resulted in the University sponsoring this new building.”

Group of about a dozen people standing in front of the LLE building expansion getting ready to cut a ribbon.
A CUT ABOVE: 剪彩嘉宾包括(从左至右)奥斯汀·庞塞, regional director for US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand; Bill Moehle, town supervisor for Brighton; Vincent Esposito, senior vice president for regional economic development at Empire State Development and assistant secretary for upstate intergovernmental affairs under New York Governor Kathy Hochul; Bill Goodrich, CEO of LeChase Construction; Mark Suriano, 副助理副署长, NNSA; Chris Deeney, LLE director; Joseph Morelle, US representative; Sarah Mangelsdorf, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 president; Quincy Allen and Larry Kessler, members of the University’s Board of Trustees; Sarah Clark, New York State assemblymember; John Kelly, member of the University’s board; and Susan Hughes-Smith, 门罗县14区的议员. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. Adam Fenster)


美国参议员查尔斯·舒默: “The new three-floor tall expansion to the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 激光能量学实验室 will further bolster our national security, 推动LLE的能源澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,这对我们的地区经济至关重要. I’m proud to have secured the vital federal funding each year that keeps the LLE and its 450 workers in business to advance America’s energy leadership, 保护我们的全球技术竞争力, 并为澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的光学和光子学产业刺激数百万美元的当地经济活动. This expansion will double down on the LLE as a regional economic engine that employs the brightest scientists from our community and across the country while ensuring the US remains at the forefront of technological advancements.”

美国参议员陆天娜: “The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 激光能量学实验室 is home to some of the largest and most capable lasers at any academic institution in the world and supports critical scientific missions to support our national and economic security. LLE是一项重要的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场资产,我非常自豪地支持它, and I have delivered millions in federal funding over the years to support LLE’s groundbreaking research. 祝贺罗彻斯特大学和LLE的所有人这一历史性的开幕. I look forward to seeing this facility in action and I’ll keep fighting to make sure that LLE has the resources it needs to remain a global leader in scientific innovation.”

国会议员乔·莫雷尔: “At its core, science ignites a wonder within us and a curiosity that spurs a relentless pursuit of understanding, and that sense of wonder and curiosity thrives here at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 激光能量学实验室 (LLE). As a member of the House Appropriations Committee in Washington—and a self-proclaimed amateur scientist and discoverer—I’m proud to use my role to support LLE’s mission and ensure it has the support and resources it needs to thrive. I’m grateful to 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 President Sarah Mangelsdorf and LLE Director Chris Deeney for your years of friendship, 我期待着继续我们的合作,进一步扩大这个令人惊叹的设施.”

哈里·布朗森议员: “The expansion of the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 激光能量学实验室 (LLE) will be transformative for our region, 邀请重要突破和进一步澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 以及创造就业机会. As Chair of Labor, I also thank 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 for working with union labor and local companies for the construction of the LLE.”

Senator Jeremy Cooney:澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s nationally renowned 激光能量学实验室 has long been on the cutting edge of our country’s technological innovations. 我为这次扩张所带来的影响感到兴奋, 都是为了让实验室继续他们开创性的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 以及它将在整个澳门威尼斯人网上赌场地区创造的就业增长.”

莎拉·克拉克议员: “As a long time proponent of the 激光能量学实验室 (LLE) at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 今天是备受期待的一天,实验室66号大楼将隆重开幕,000平方英尺的建筑扩建. This latest project will ensure the LLE continues to lead amongst its peers in energy research and innovation. LLE对当地、全国乃至全球的影响是不可估量的. Thank you to all involved in bringing this project to fruition; I look forward to seeing what the LLE does next.”

帝国发展公司总裁兼首席执行官霍普·奈特: “Congratulations to the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 on the official grand opening of its 激光能量学实验室. This innovative facility further reinforces the U of R’s global reputation as a leader in forward-thinking discoveries. 纽约州仍然致力于支持最前沿的R&D investment and building on our reputation as a global leader in next-generation energy industry applications and technologies- efforts that are serving as a catalyst for economic growth.”
