机灵的:机灵的 Rochester students apply statistical tools to predict where metal balls will land when shot through a spring-loaded launcher during a newly revamped upper-year 工程师ing course, ME 240:仪器的基本原理 & 测量. (罗彻斯特大学合成图/ J. 亚当窗口)

Faculty members work with industry advisors to modernize hands-on aspects of the department’s curriculum.

在霍普曼大厅, third-year mechanical 工程师ing students barrage graphite paper repeatedly with small metal balls shot from spring-loaded 发射器. The activity—part of 教授 Douglas 凯利’s ME 240:仪器的基本原理 & 测量课——看起来很有趣, but it’s also teaching the students important lessons about repeatability and statistics.

“It’s good to get out of the lecture halls,” says Cole Senecal ’24. “The hands-on approach makes it a little easier to conceptualize some of the things we’re learning.”

The class is one of two upper-level lab courses—the other is Associate 教授 杰西卡商我们的ME 241:力学实验室 机械工程系 recently revamped to incorporate modern 工程师ing methods and scale to meet growing enrollment demands.

Two students lean over a mechanical 工程师ing lab bench with various instruments and tools in the foreground and two other students in the background.
感受震动: Junyi Lin ’25 (left) and Cady Brunecz ’25 examine the vibrational spectra of ball bearings to determine their damage during the vibrations and frequency analysis lab portion of Doug 凯利’s 200-level mechanical 工程师ing course. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. 亚当窗口)

“Our department has long been proud of the rigor and depth of our upper-level laboratory courses. But given the growth of 工程师ing enrollment in our department and nationwide in the last decade, 我们想知道是不是该调整一下了,凯利说。.

由主席和同事教授领导 雷纳托Perucchio, the department consulted with its program advisory board composed of industry-connected alumni about ways to build a stronger foundation for students in applied 工程师ing methods. The faculty agreed that existing labs were valuable and superior to many offerings elsewhere, so they didn’t want to make changes that compromised the quality of the curriculum.

通过提供更结构化的课程和更新设备, the department was able to strike a good balance of preserving what worked and freshening things up. The students are now using revitalized procedures and new gear including thermal cameras and thermocouples, 麦克风和尤克里里琴, 发射器, 应变仪, 放大器, 汽车, 控制器, 以及数据采集设备.

Three mechanical 工程师ing students stand around a table and conduct experiments during a repeatability and statistics lab.
弹簧扔: (从下往上顺时针)卢克·劳森24岁, 杰克·冈萨雷斯,24岁, and Cole Senecal ’24 take part in the repeatability and statistics lab exercises of ME 240 in Hopeman Hall. “The hands-on approach makes it a little easier to conceptualize some of the things we’re learning,塞内卡尔说. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. 亚当窗口)

“The entire overhauling process proved the importance of the interaction between our program advisory board and the faculty,佩鲁奇奥说. “Their input during the initial stages of creating the new ME 240 lab course helped us quite a bit in selecting the labs and the experiments which would be consistent with the needs of modern industry.”


教授 克里斯托弗•缪尔 spearheaded the early process and brainstormed new equipment to include. 穆尔, 凯利, and Shang fleshed out ideas and identified lab exercises that fit the learning objectives, 并听取包括助理教授在内的同事的意见 安德里亚冰斧,助理教授 Hesam民兵高级技术助理克里斯汀·普拉特. 亚历山大·普里多(Alexander Prideaux)被雇来帮助完成实验程序, 建立设备, 复印足够的副本来完成课程. 助理教授 Anushika Athauda 参与教授仪器基础 & 测量课程自春季引入以来.

Mechanical 工程师ing student in safety goggles stares intently at equipment while a hand nearby holds measuring tape.
按比例建造的: 学生在ME 240:仪器的基本原理 & 测量 and ME 241: Mechanics Laboratory—including Max Colognesi ’25, pictured here—are making the most of their newly revamped curriculum and equipment. (罗彻斯特大学摄/ J. 亚当窗口)

25岁的亚历杭德罗·波拉斯说他很感激, 除了新设备, how the faculty are incorporating their latest research into lab exercises.

“这很酷,因为对于一个粒子跟踪实验室来说, 凯利教授给了我们他澳门威尼斯人网上赌场用的密码,波拉斯说. “We got some insight into what leading scientists are doing and what the field’s current research focus is.”

凯利 says it’s too early to tell how the revamped curriculum and equipment is benefitting students, 但当他们进入高级设计课程时, 任何变化都应该变得明显. 艾莉森·汤普森24岁, who took the first offering of the refurbished ME 240 course in the spring and is now serving as a teaching assistant, 他说,不断改进课程的努力是显而易见的.

“It’s interesting being on the other side of the class,” says Thompson. “In our meetings we’re able to see the mistakes people are making and try to find ways to help them improve. 去年这是一门全新的课程, 很高兴看到我们一直在努力让它变得更好.”


Undergraduate student in the Rochester Human-Computer Interaction lab seen with a computer screen displaying an AI avatar.大学第一年的实验室体验? 是的.

由教师和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生指导, undergraduate researchers thrive in the Rochester Human-Computer Interaction lab.

Six names tag stickers that ID different professional identity types, 包括学生, 工程师, 经理, 讲师, 作家澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.“传达你的职业身份”在10岁时很流行

Rochester students and alumni praise the decade-old course that teaches how to navigate the professional world.

Chris 穆尔 teaches a student, seen from behind, in a fabrication lab.为未来的机械工程师设计职业道路

Engineering professor 克里斯托弗•缪尔 draws from his vast experiences in the workplace to teach problem-solving mindsets.

