
Transdisciplinary RFP

Planning Grants for Transdisciplinary Research Centers 和 Institutes

As part of the University’s strategic plan, 无限的 可能性,我们将建立一系列新的和重新构想的跨学科中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所. As a first step, the University will fund one-year planning grants of $20,000 to $40,000 允许同事们发展和完善可能导致建立这些新的中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所的建议.

The list of the 2024-2025 Planning Fund recipients is avai实验室le here.

Details 和 FAQs


Background 和 goals of the initiative

Through the University’s strategic plan, 无限的 可能性, 我们将建立一系列新的和重新构想的跨学科中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所——在这里,来自不同学科的人可以直接合作,在这里,沉浸在一个学科的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场可以应用其他学科的经验来重塑自己的领域或建立全新的领域.


As a first step, the University will fund one-year planning grants of $20,000 to $40,000 允许同事们发展和完善可能导致建立这些新的中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所的建议. 最终成功的提案将是最有可能提高大学学术地位的想法, new faculty development, learning across disciplines, 和, 在适当的时候, success in grant funding 和 associated graduate programs. 获得资助的中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所将获得大学五年可续期的支持, with first-term annual funding between $200K 和 $1 million. We expect to fund between six 和 ten planning grants this year.

这个计划拨款阶段旨在促进澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的新想法. 我们欢迎为全新的中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所规划拨款的建议, 同时也考虑到现有的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场机构如何在大学的大力投资下追求令人兴奋的新方向.


  • Centers 和 Institutes: 定义 of institutes 和 centers are avai实验室le on the Policy for Establishing Centers 和 Institutes page.
  • Transdisciplinary Research:跨学科澳门威尼斯人网上赌场不仅仅是将不同学科简单地联系起来. Transdisciplinary research happens when people from different disciplines 参与 彼此学习,互相教导,学习他们原本不会考虑的新思想. 例如, 因为接触了心理学的理论或方法而改变了他们澳门威尼斯人网上赌场经济学的方式的经济学家, is carrying out transdisciplinary research. This is how we will “redefine our disciplines 和 create new ones” at Rochester.

(1) 所有 University of Rochester faculty are eligible to apply.

(2) Proposals must involve faculty from more than one department 和/or School.

  • Proposals must include at least two planning period leaders, representing multiple departments/schools.
  • 提案必须包括所有相关学院院长支持提案想法的证据.
Award information

These planning grants can be used to support faculty or staff time, l和scape research, modestly-priced planning retreats, 和 similar activities. The period of work for the planning grant would be one year. 该大学最早将于2025年夏季开始创建并资助从这一过程中产生的新的跨学科中心.

The planning grant application deadline will be January 31, 2024, 和 successful applicants will be notified no later than March 31, 2024.

Proposal preparation 和 required materials

Planning grant proposals can be completed on the web表单 在这个网站上. Elements that are required for submission include:

  • 封面页
  • Proposal narrative considerations:
    • What is the principal idea behind the transdisciplinary center or institute?
    • 在这一领域的成功将如何提高澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的卓越水平?
    • 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场为什么以及如何在这一领域取得非凡的成功? 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场在这一领域的中心将建立在哪些独特的优势之上,从而使该中心与其他机构的倡议区别开来?
    • 一个跨学科的中心或澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所如何将跨部门的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场聚集在一起,而如果没有这笔资金,这是不可能发生的?
    • 衡量这个跨学科中心或澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所成功的潜在标准是什么?
    • 在成功的情况下,有哪些可能的收入来源可以帮助维持这个中心或澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所? (请注意,我们将考虑不太可能产生收入的中心和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所的提案, 提供一个强有力的案例,证明该中心或澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所将如何帮助大学大幅提高我们的学术或创造性.)
    • Who are the likely leader(s) of this transdisciplinary center or institute?
    • 该中心或澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所将如何为本科生提供机会?
    • Is the center intended to link Rochester researchers to other institutions? If so, are there existing connections or potential new ones to be made?
  • 建议预算
    • Considerations: Identify all costs to be covered by the planning grant. 符合条件的费用包括薪金、工资、差旅费、材料和用品以及其他费用.
Proposal evaluation


  • Originality, significance, quality 和 future impact of the proposed research
  • Impact on scholarly or creative eminence
  • Extent to which the proposed research is transdisciplinary
  • 团队成员的成就强度,以及能够支持拟议活动的平衡的跨学科团队的程度
  • 在适当情况下吸引联邦、州、慈善或私人资金的能力

A selection committee will be named soon, 和 inquiries should be directed to Vice Provost 珍妮花 Mathews via email at 珍妮花.Mathews@mediagate-egy.net. 遴选委员会将向教务长David Figlio和负责澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的副校长Steve Dewhurst提出建议,后者将选择计划补助金获得者.

frequently asked questions

Are there page or word limits for the proposal?

The entire proposal should be no more than 5-6 pages single-spaced.

Is there any guidance on how we should show evidence of support from deans?

一旦提案由院长审查并由项目负责人提交, a confirmation of support from the dean should be emailed to 珍妮花.mathews@mediagate-egy.net.



Is there a clear distinction between the definition of Centers 和 Institutes?

请参考 these definitions.

Can the proposals include entities external to the University of Rochester?

对于被考虑的提案,它们必须符合跨学科的标准, involving faculty from multiple departments/schools within the University. Col实验室orations beyond that are at the discretion of the project leads.


There is a section within the form that allows for uploading documents. Please note them as appendices within the narrative of your proposal.

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